This week for International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we are speaking to Georgia Morgan, Isca’s newest microbiologist who joined us fresh out of university last summer. Georgia has already made a significant difference within the team and is a great advocate for young women who wish to flourish in the world of science.
I have always been drawn to maths and science. When I was doing my A Levels, I knew that biology was the path I wanted to take. In university I picked up several microbiology modules, and that is why I am here today!
There were seven girls in my A Level science class out of a group of 22. I guess this is almost representative of the worldwide split of men and women in research and science. In my university classes, there were always more boys than girls.
We had the opportunity to go on a trip to the Himalayas, which was all based on grades and attendance. Considering there were more boys than girls, it was a female dominated trip! Something to think about…
Now I am older, it has become a more even playing field.
In my school, at A Levels, you could only do science-based subjects or arts-based subjects as a collective – you could not do Biology and English Literature.
Because of this pressure, a lot of girls in my class went down the arts route.
I think activity days which give girls some real-world experience within science and how exciting it could be alongside inviting female guest speakers working in STEM would help get girls interested.
When I was younger I felt more self-conscious and tended to go along with the crowd. Now I know that your best option is to do what you find interesting. I believe you should really enjoy what you do, regardless of what others think.
Do not overthink the stereotypes about women being in maths or physics, just go for it anyway. You can do it.
I really hope so. By the end of my degree, there were more female lecturers than males, which was nice to see in a biosciences department.
I fully believe that today, women are more motivated than ever before. Women may not have been taken seriously in the past, but they are certainly starting to now, and I think that empowers us.
As I edged closer to the end of my degree, I looked up to my female lecturers, thinking about how much they had accomplished with their research.
They became managers of their departments and they were doing amazing things. Their passion was infectious.
Women can do anything that men can do. The more women that do what they believe in, regardless of any stigma, the more women will fulfil their dreams.
If you really want to pursue a career in science, just do it and follow your dreams. Working at Isca, I get to live my dream everyday and I get to work alongside some brilliant female scientists.